well, I sometimes do and guess what? it keeps me going,
keeps me improving,
keeps me being at my best.
Come to think of it, If you have nothing to offer to this world you wouldn't have been brought into it in the first place.
Now, I know there are those who do not see it this way, but either we see it so or not, its true. We compliment each other. A saying goes; 'a tree can never make a forest'. Five trees or even twenty trees can still not make a forest, or can it? give this a deep thought.
You are more important and useful than you think you are. The world needs you to be improved,
it needs you to make it a better place,
to make it interesting,
to make it worth living in.
This world is waiting for your explosion and impact, to give to it what you have been created to .
Just like in a drama, you can't leave your role right there on the stage to play that of another person's & if you do, who would play yours? You should begin to picture life from this angle.
You have a role and you must play your role. the script is within you, search your inner self, you'll notice that thing you can do effortlessly.
There must be Something that you don't struggle to do, it could just be it, what we've all been waiting for!
That thing the world needs for it to be complete.
Just like a puzzle, if everyone of us can begin to find out part and fix our selves where we ought to be, we would get it figured out and know where to go from there.
Another saying goes; 'little drops of water makes mighty ocean'; you can start little, every mile begins with a step. Don't look too far if you know you'll be discouraged but in-case looking far will help you remain focus; keep those eyes right ahead.
NOTE: You can't be you when you are trying to be someone else. A photocopy can never be an original. You must find your self within you & not in others. They are allowed to mentor you but you are not allowed to BE them.
You are you so that you can make people happy, help someone, be a friend, discover new things, invent, make a ground breaking discovery in science & technology, save life, etc.
That is why you are you & so, Find yourself !
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