

Monday, 16 June 2014

Are You A Garbage can?

I heard someone said: Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond.
Yes dear.

Its best for us to be realistic knowing that:

  • we meet with different people, who posses different powers and understand things differently, which influences their attitude.
  • People will not be the way we want them to.
  • Most days will not always go just as we had planned it.
  • We can't control all of our circumstances.

If you get stressed because things didn't go the way u planned or become frustrated at little things because of it, you are making your self a garbage bin, where situations can dump it's garbage.

Or maybe someone said something to you out of his/her own insecurity/bitterness and you just let it get to you, provoking you to become aggressive.You are unconsciously making your self a garbage bin because those people, full of rubbish, look for where to dump those waste and there you are, making yourself available.

you can also make your self a garbage bin by not controlling your reaction. make up your mind not to let anybody's bitterness rub-off on you, don't allow circumstance convert you to what you are not.If you must change, change for the better.

No matter how neat a garbage bin is, it can't be used to store drinking water. Don't Be A Garbage Can.

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