

Friday 22 January 2016

ON THE JOB; Learn These:

Learn to take responsibility for your action

Admit your mistakes

Develop the habit of listening and

Learn also by observation.

ON THE JOB: Sustain That Zeal

That same Zeal you came with during your interview

That zeal that made you pass all test, both written and oral and got you the employment;
 carry it still as you do your daily duties after you have been employed.

Keep it going until you retire, change job or create one.
Let your employer feel the positive impact of your presence.

ON THE JOB: No Room for Excuse

Achieving the aim of your organisation should be of top priority to you, the interest in carrying out your duty should come before your personal feelings.

For example, It doesn't matter if you like or dislike the faces of your colleagues or supervisor, you are being paid to do a job, do it against all odd.

there should be NO ROOM FOR EXCUSE.