

Tuesday 4 August 2015


...this post is a continuation of 'SETTING GOALS... In what way?

En-devour to read from Part 1, in other to go with the flow...

Great Dream, Good Target but Something is definitely wrong with the Part they Tow just to get to the top.

Please take a moment to ask yourself; In what way do I plan to achieve my aim?

Is my motive right? if yes, what about the part I plan to take or I am taking to get to my set destination.
Of-course anyone can get anywhere by GRACE but will definitely not last there if they lack quality skills and true-personality trait, also, with time(short time of-course) 'can' be DIS-GRACED out of the sit.

Seek first to do the job you applied for, accepted and being paid to do. In the course of carrying out your duty, you might be recommended for a top position. One that you might never dream or bargain for. 

Do you know that the bible is so complete? Yes it surely is. 
Always make out time to study it and you will be guarded in life's journey including your career Part. 

Matthew 6:33 says "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

Seek the Kingdom of God 1st!
Now, how do you get to the kingdom if you do not know God(the owner of the kingdom) or understand His ways? and so, you need to first get close to God by DOING HIS WILL and as you do His will, you getting closer to Him and once you become accepted by God, you automatically qualify for His kingdom.

Now, that qualification is like a ticket that gives you access to every other thing that you would want in life, fully packaged. It doesn't mean that you won't face challenges, it means that you will come out victorious.

The point is this: just as the explanation to the above stated passage, its obvious that there are principles to almost all that we engage in and we should seek to know and place the FIRST THINGS first.

Do your job, improve on the job, strive to be the best at that job, motivate others by your action and develop your problem solving skills. You can become a leader in your unit before you growing into the larger Screen, which off-course can be by RECOMMENDATION.

Setting good and healthy goals are good but toeing the 'anything must go' part to achieve that goal of yours is unhealthy, dangerous to others and equally dangerous to you. 
Bad leaders don't last.

Set healthy goals and work in your 'little-best' way to qualify for it.

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