There is a reason for every and anything that happens to a man. That very 'reason' has a door that leads to the solution or improvement of the given situation.
Now, in as much as we fail to sit-back and ask ourselves deep questions, we might never make a head way in life.
This article is not only for the unemployed, it is also for those who are comfortable with the 'low-level'.
There are millions of people without jobs and are equally not self employed around the world But in this same world, there are billions of people employed(either by self or other-wise). How come you aren't a part of the later?
Deep, deep question that needs a deep thought over and again.
You might want to take a step further by asking questions like:
What can I do?
Can I wash, clean cook, take care of a baby, make-up, make hair, paint, draw, construct, organize events, manage people and places, Speak in public and say relevant things that can drive other people,
Can I write, teach, do I have Ideas, etc
If I can do any of the above, why not give it a try and see where it leads. Money might even not be the 1st target but getting the market by investing in people. You can start by doing it for free...yes!
and later proceed to charge a fee for your services.
What do I have & in what field?
FSLC, OND,HND,BSC,Masters, PHD. Am I responsible, Dedicated, Trust worthy, Prudent, Ability to learn and relate well with other people, Flexible enough for positive change,do I have the capacity to tolerate and endure.
If you have any of the above, send organised and brief CV'S to relevant organisation and don't be in a hurry to receive a very fat salary for a star, accept the little you can earn instead of being idle and waiting for uncertainty.
with time, the result you produce will announce you and place you in a position for a higher recommendation, with a higher pay.
How much effort have I put in, to ensure i'm engaged?

Which business Idea have do I have that is lying fallow or am I financially constrained? well I can start by seeking loan, keeping little savings over a period of time or investing my money where it can yield interest.
Is my effort my best?
Am I doing things for doing sake or just so that people will not say I didn't try. Well that is not a -good-enough-mindset because those people who will complain are only concerned but they aren't you. You need the Money, the Growth and the Balance.
Is my effort enough?
You best shouldn't determine your end-line, push yourself beyond that line because every human have a capacity for expansion. MOVE, MOVE UNTIL YOU PUSH THROUGH
You can do it.
Are you Idle or Unemployed?
You can do it.
Are you Idle or Unemployed?
If you have read to this level, then you are one-step-ahead because I have a conviction that you will make further move by taking another step of putting into action any of the above.
All the best!
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