

Wednesday 10 February 2016


The moment we hear the sentence 'being at the top', so many high positions crosses our minds making us to focus only on position and achievement of every other successful people that we know.

Now, see it this way; the TOP is not necessarily where a specific person is occupying in the business world but where individual have developed themselves to be. It could be the up-pest part of your Education, Career, Relationship, of your Strength, Knowledge and the rest.

The question is this:
Is your TOP position the best place you can be? or do you believe that you still have the capacity to take higher challenge?
For example, Can you go for more courses, take higher responsibilities at work, keep better relationship with bosses, colleagues and subordinates, gain more knowledge by assisting others in their own job description (at your leisure time, instead chatting away precious time), can you beat your own record of getting early to work, submitting reports before deadline, doing the job exactly how you have been instructed e.t.c .

Practically, the TOP is the highest point of your present level, the only thing that makes others outstanding compared with some others is consistent growth. Those we have categorized as 'being at the top' are those people who have and are still pushing further to greater higher, beating records and leaving a mark.

You are at your TOP but work more towards make yours outstanding, noticeable and refer-able.

WORK SMARTER, do not maintain status quo, break your ceiling and rebuild a higher one.

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